Preop Procedure

What Are The Preparations Before Bariatric Surgery?

Although all patients are evaluated individually, the following tests are required for each patient:

In addition to the examinations listed above, specialists of Internal Medicine, Chest Diseases, Cardiology, Psychiatry and Anesthesia evaluate the patient. If necessary, additional tests such as pulmonary function tests and cardiac echocardiography are performed, and experts prepare necessary treatments before the surgery. If everything is alright to start the operation, the patient is included in the surgery program.
Information About The Post-Obesity Surgery Process
Patients are usually comfortable enough to walk in the service four to six hours after surgery. 
There may be nausea, vomiting and pain to some extent after the surgery.
If necessary, a leak test is performed on the first day after the operation. If everything is alright, clear liquids such as water and apple juice are given sip by sip. 
Nutrition education is given by a dietitian.
On the third or fourth day, painkillers, anticoagulants and anti-nausea medications are prescribed, and protein supplements are provided.
During the following six to eight weeks, the patient starts to consume solid food instead of liquid food with a special nutrition program and dietitian support. 
During follow-up period, protein, vitamin and elemental supplementation may be recommended based on clinical evaluation and intermittent blood tests.
The patient continues to be followed up for effective and healthy weight loss at regular intervals for two years.